And, much of that content is made of verbal or written words, correct? Are you still with me?
The digital copy populating your website, posting across social media platforms and defining podcasts and video content works to get you noticed. Otherwise, why write it? After all, your business holds plenty of long to-do lists without adding unnecessary work.
Also, creative content communicates with prospects and customers. Formed from the thoughts of a writer, these words get your message out and impact readers one way or another.
In fact, words pack tremendous power.
To illustrate, remember with me a common childhood scenario: I recall chanting it over and over in a just-below-snotty tone, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And, my friends and I would walk away from the mean boy (or girl) with an air of victory.
But, the truth is, those words stung. Some cut deep and left wounds for weeks. I still bear the scars of others well into my adulthood. And, my guess is that you relate on some level.
One of my favorite Scriptures reads, “The power of life and death are in the tongue.” And, life and learning over the years lead me to believe it. I come to understand that words encourage and build others up or they work to tear down and destroy, even kill.
And, the middle ground is slim to nonexistent. In other words, our words tend to inspire or deflate leading the wise to chose them well. So, what does this mean for creative content writing?
Almost everything.
The Power and Punch of Our Words
With the average 7,000 words per day each of us speaks, there is plenty of room to get it wrong (or right). Often, we take for granted this norm of communication. And, words spill without thought from our lips.
The same holds true for our written interactions. Individually, we send 85 plus texts per day on average. And, with 150,000 messages sent per minute across Facebook and an average 500 million tweets exchanged daily, plenty is being communicated.
Check out how this abundance of chatter impacts us:
Uplift or Cut Deep
As mentioned, words hold the power to encourage and inspire. Sadness transforms to a smile. Guilt finds redemption. And, heartbreak discovers a remedy when we choose words which prompt joy, forgiveness and healing.On the other hand, lifelong scars accompany words which cut deep. Often, these wounds prove preventable with forethought. Our motivation for expressing ourselves at any given time directs our language to be supportive or hurtful.
Empower or Diminish
Developing others and strengthening their resolve comes in many forms. But, words play a powerful role. Consider the speech of Dr. Martin Luther King and his “I-have-a-dream” call which empowered a generation and continues to impact us today with the message that “we must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”Contrarily, rather than igniting this hope, our words may diminish the value of others and extinguish the flame of potential. Again, checking ourselves and our motives curbs the negativity and frees us to find creative ways to build others up.
Speak Truth or Deceive
In general, humans want to know the truth. Our attraction to causes we believe in and people we trust speaks to our desire for what is good and honorable. And, the truthful consistency and proof of things said or written over time earns our allegiance.Also, words weave deception. Scheming or covertly selling an ulterior motive are two techniques which often give marketing its bad rap. Avoiding deception in all communications promotes relationship, builds trust and establishes integrity.
Touch or Turn Away
Made famous by singer Roberta Flack, the lyrics, “killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words.” tell of the intimacy and touch words have on our lives. The language we choose to use with one another demonstrates our knowledge of and relationship with each other.And, the lack of this intimacy (or too much of it) turns people away. Each of us desires to be known to some degree. And, words revealing too great of a gap in this personal touch send us running. Fully listening births comments and questions which place value on others.
Persuade or Turn Off
Consider the influence a friend has to convince you to prank a co-worker or head out for a night on the town even with an early meeting looming the next morning. Words influence us to make changes, even needed changes, in our lives. And, practicing the positive art of persuasion keeps us from falling into manipulation.Yes, as you likely know, persuasion also draws negative connotations. Leaning too hard or with wrong motive leaves others feeling used or handled. The words chosen reveal the intent of the speaker or writer. And, listeners and readers prove quick to pick up the subtlety of such speech.
Instill Courage or Give Up
Our father’s encouragement as we learned to pedal a bike sans training wheels. Or, a teacher’s insight as we tackled tough college subjects. Likely. many of us can recall a time when the words of others brought courage to take the next step.And, unfortunately, we may also know the agony, not of defeat, but of giving up too soon due to something someone said to us. A career path not chosen. Traveling journeys canceled. Forgoing this negative use of language and instilling courage through our words to and about others diverts regret and benefits all of us.
Create Lasting Impact
In any case, words form an impression not easily forgotten for the good or the bad. In particular, repeated phrases stick in memories and those connected with a jingle or song are nearly impossible to dislodge.And, keep in mind that a lack of words sows results as well. Perfectly timed silence may be just what the doctor ordered. Yet, on the other hand, large gaps in communication leave others to fill in the blanks with their own stories or to be hurt by the absence of encouragement or positive feedback.
The power of words and the feelings they conjure...what is one of your favourite quotes?
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